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Celebrating George Michael


Featuring acclaimed vocalist, Steve Mitchell, and original Wham! bassist, Dave West, this live concert celebrates the incredible career and catalogue of George Michael.

Performing George’s chart-topping solo hits such as Faith, Careless Whisper and Freedom, Steve and his 7-piece band will also perform the much-loved Wham!  classics Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go, Everything She Wants, Club Tropicana and many, many more.

Don’t miss out on this affectionate tribute to one of the greatest recording artists of all time.


History of The Summer Show

The History of The Summer Show

88E00591-C662-47DF-9886-F00CBF4CBDEEBack in 1894, when it all began, Clacton-on-Sea was a fairly new seaside resort. With a growing number of visitors, there was a need to lay on entertainment. One of the many groups who came to Clacton was the London Concert party. It was owned and directed by Bert Graham.

Over the next few years their reputation grew and Graham took his friend, Bernard Russell, followed by fellow entertainer Will Bentley into full partnership. Over the winter of 1898/99, they erected a stage and rows of seating with a pay box at the entrance of their newly leased space known as West Cliff Gardens.

1899 Open for business

This is the earliest known photograph of the West Cliff Theatre and shows the seating being laid out. It was taken in late 1898.

in 1902, it was decided to build a covering for the theatre and a small wood and canvas building was erected to house the stage and seats. It was built in such a way that during warm weather the canvas side could be rolled up to allow in the air, or rolled down if it rained.

In 1914 Great Britain was plunged into the First World War, but this didn’t stop Graham and Bentley as the Summer Season continued throughout the War. In 1921, the husband and wife team of Fred Gibson and Nance Haines joined the company. They were to appear throughout the 1920s.

B4681D58-CF1F-415D-A715-57F8EBCDC8CCAs the audiences grew ever larger, Graham & Bentley realised that they needed a much better theatre, so in early 1928, plans were submitted. The new theatre was officially opened on 25th May 1928 by local M.P., Sir Frederick Rice.

Having been involved with the theatre for over 30 years, Graham & Bentley handed over the summer season to Murray Ashford for the 1931/2 season and then in 1933 John Berryman & Adele Wesseley took charge. This was to be the last Summer Show under the ownership of Graham & Bentley. In 1934 they put the theatre up for sale.


Almost immediately they received an offer from William Hinds, who already owned a string of seaside theatres. Hinds was a keen amateur thespian as well as a businessman and when acting or producing, used the stage name, Will Hammer. In 1934 he also founded a film company, known to later generations as the Hammer House of Horror.


Hinds soon dropped the word Gardens from the name of the Theatre and by 1936, it had become just the West Cliff Theatre.

As part of the Summer Season, Hinds introduced special “Star” concerts on Sundays. And some of the entertainers who headlined these shows really were the top variety stars of the day. Names like Robb Wilton, Harry Tate and Albert Whelan.
For the 1939 season, Hammer relinquished the production side and handed it over to Gordon Marsh.

 Unfortunately, proceedings came to an abrupt end, when, on 2nd September, all theatres closed on the outbreak of the Second World War.
When the War finished, Hammer and Marsh were quickly back in action, producing the 1945 Summer Season with a show called ‘The Victory Vanities of 194”V”’ starring Ernie Moss.

The late 1940s and 50s were a boom time for Clacton. Will Hammer lost no time in providing first class entertainment at the West Cliff for those families looking for a good time by the sea.
In 1947, he produced a show for the Summer Season called “For The Fun Of It”. It starred one of the top names of the day, Nosmo King, but it also included a new young up-and-coming comedian having his first-ever Summer Season, one Frankie Howerd.

In 1949, the star of the show was a man who was himself to have a big influence on the Theatre some years down the line, one Bunny Baron, who starred with Ivy Luck in “Sunshine & Smiles”. Baron and Luck returned in 1950, by which time, Hammer had taken on a new co-producer, the well-known band leader, Jack Payne.

DC79F058-AB87-47DA-B7C4-30D56B4ED525In 1953, Hammer brought in a new producer, Renee Paskin, who put on that year’s season, “Come to the Show” starring Jack Francois. Yet another new producer, Mildred Challenger, masterminded the 1955 and 1956 Seasons, which starred Joe Black in “Joy Bells”.

Sadly, there was to be an abrupt end to the “good times” that the West Cliff had enjoyed when in 1957 Will Hammer was tragically killed in a road accident. As well as a string of theatres, Hammer also had chains of jewellers, bicycle shops and hairdressing salons. The Hinds organisation he left behind had no interest in theatres and put them all up for sale.
With the building being over 30 years old and in need of repair a buyer could not be found. There was, however, one last flourish as the 1958 Summer Season at the Pavilion “The Rayker Revue”, was doing poor business and Clacton Council, who owned the Pavilion, leased the West Cliff so they could transfer the show there and replace it with a show starring Harold Taylor.

With no buyer coming forward it looked as if this would be the end, but thankfully the theatre was saved by Cllr Jo St Clair.

As well as being a Clacton Councillor, Jo St Clair was also a founder member of the Clacton Amateur Dramatic Society (CADS). Jo’s idea was that the Council should buy the West Cliff itself to enable it to continue. In spite of some opposition, she eventually got her way and on 24 August 1959, the West Cliff Theatre was signed over to Clacton Council for the sum of £7500, including fixtures and fittings.

096DC1CA-076A-42FF-B415-028393303805Because discussions had taken so long, it meant that for the first time since 1894, the West Cliff was dark for a whole year with no 1959 season.
Because there were a number of other Summer Variety shows taking place in Clacton, it was decided to put on a different type of Summer Season and 1960 saw the Penguin Players in a repertory season. This proved to be successful and so the repertory season continued for the next few years with the Galleon Theatre Company following the Penguin Players and then, finally in 1966, the Brian Rix Organisation putting on a season of farces starring Jerry Desmond, George Moon and Bill Treacher, Eastenders’ Arthur Fowler.

By 1967, the Savoy and the Band Pavilion had ceased putting on Summer Variety Seasons, so the Council asked the former star of the 1949 and 1950 season, Bunny Baron, to produce a new show at the West Cliff to be called, “Starnite Spectacular”. For his first season in charge, Baron signed up and young up-and-coming comedian he had spotted playing in Felixstowe the year before, Don Maclean.


Following Maclean, Peter Kaye and Ken Roberts, amongst others, took on the lead role. However, in 1972, Bunny Baron decided on one last throw of the dice in an attempt to stop the ticket sales dwindling further and signed up Tommy Trinder. The Council invested in a big publicity campaign to win holidaymakers and residents back to the shows. Tommy threw himself into the campaign and made personal appearances all over Clacton, opening fetes, bazaars, jumble sales – pretty much anything. As he said himself in a newspaper interview, “I’ve opened everything in Clacton this year except a hole in the road.” Sadly things didn’t improve and at the end of the season, Bunny Baron decided to call it a day and again there was talk in the press of the Council closing and demolishing the Theatre. Salvation came in the form of an amateur producer from Braintree called Francis Golightly.

Francis felt that what was lacking from the show was “the glamour, the feathers, the tinsel” and that’s what he intended to bring back. His show, he said, would cost just £828 per week and not rely on a ‘Star’ name.

FFA309E0-2A9B-4EDA-9FC9-70528843927DThe Council jumped at the offer and, in 1973, Francis Golightly staged his first Summer Season at the West Cliff with a show called Swingin’ 73. It starred Ted & Hilda Durante plus well-known local comedian, Wally Dunn. Francis had a flair for publicity and in just the first year, the box office broke all records with the local paper using the headline, “The West Cliff is reborn”. This was the start of a new lease of life for the Summer Season and, in spite of Clacton’s ever-falling number of holidaymakers, Francis’s shows, full of “glamour, feathers and tinsel” continued to pull in the crowds. Some of the other headline acts of this period included Gordon & Bunny Jay, Kenny Cantor, Joe “Mr Piano” Henderson and Malcolm Vaughan. These shows were given different names, such as Swingin’, Holiday Startime and Summer Showtime, but always featured the Cascade Dancers.

As the Summer Show began a new decade, Francis did start to bring in some better known names. 1980, for example, saw Billy Dainty headline the show. While 1983 starred Norman Colliier (complete with chicken outfit and broken microphone!) and in 1984, Don Maclean returned for his second season. Right from his first season, Francis’s dancers had been known as the Cascade Girls. In 1985, he had the inspired idea to name the whole show and season after them and so, Cascade Revue was born. As well as finding the right stars to appear, Francis also had the knack of spotting and then bringing on new young talent. Ruthie Henshall, for example, made her professional stage debut in the Cascade Revue as did Gary Wilmot. And of course Andrew Robley became the shows most popular male vocalist when he joined the show in 1986.


In 1995, the ownership of the West Cliff changed hands as the West Cliff (Tendring) Trust bought the freehold of the Theatre from Tendring District Council. However, this was done on condition that the Council lease back the Theatre for the Summer and that Francis continued to produce the Summer Show. 1995 was also a bumper year for star names as both Bernie Clifton and Freddie Davis appeared that year once again to sell-out audiences.


Towards the end of the 1990s, local Councils everywhere were under enormous pressure from central Government to ensure that they were spending Council Taxpayers money wisely, resulting in the Council deciding to cut the grant it was giving to Francis to produce the Summer Season. The cut was so big that Francis and his long-time partner and Musical Director Roy Clougton felt they could no longer continue to produce the show without sacrificing the high standards that had made the shows so successful. And so one year short of celebrating thirty years they ended their run in 2001.

The Council then agreed to hand over the running of the Summer Season to the Trust, with just one proviso, that they had to have a recognisable star name to headline the show. The Trust turned to Openwide International, for the 2002 season. They brought with them as Director and lead comedian, Richard Gauntlett. While for the “recognisable star name”, they looked to pianist, Bobby Crush and “Summer Follies 2002” was ready to go.

220BA7F5-0F22-47CD-AE1E-32E8819286D2 Sadly, it did not prove to be a great success. The Trust lobbied the Council to drop their insistence on a “recognisable star name” which was agreed, and Openwide and Richard Gauntlett returned in 2003 with “Summer Spectacular” but with audiences still dropping, Openwide decided they could no longer continue to produce the show and pulled out, leaving the Trust once more to find a new producer.

While considering the future, the Trust was approached by the Derek Grant Organisation which offered to put on a different type of Summer Show. The idea was that the season would run from 21 July to 11 September, four days per week (Wednesday to Saturday) but with a different star appearing on each night, so that every Wednesday saw Joan Regan; Thursday, Vince Hill; Friday, Maggie Moone and Saturday, Stan Stennett. The show was called “All Star Summer Showtime 2004”. The idea was not a great success and after just one season it was decided to go back to the old format and a new producer in the shape of former Black & White Minstrel singer, now turned producer, John Warwick, offered to stage the West Cliff’s Summer Season. His first season saw Bryan Burdon star in Summer Special.

As part of the Summer Season, John also staged one-off “Sunday Specials” throughout the season with names like Bobby Davro, Chas & Dave, Mike Reid and Roger de Courcey.
Summer Special continued for four years and saw a couple of old West Cliff favourites return to headline the shows with Jimmy Cricket and Bernie Clifton. While, in 2008, Fat Man & Tenor (Mike Jerome and Paul Kaye-Jones) took on the lead. Although John had decided on a return to the “Glitz and Glamour” approach not seen since 2001 the numbers were still falling and after much discussion on the Trust, 2009 saw no Summer Show staged at the West Cliff.


Following this hiatus, the Summer Season returned once again to the West Cliff in 2010 when well-known show producer, Chris Gidney, and musical director, Michael Wooldridge, offered to revive the Summer Season with a show starring Jimmy Cricket called Summertime Special. Jimmy threw himself into advertising the show and publicising it whenever and wherever he could to try and win back the audiences. Chris Gidney left the production team after three seasons, leaving Michael Wooldridge to continue on his own.D2468381-D5D8-42F9-BEF1-2F51A0E8433F

With Michael now in sole charge, he changed the name of the show to Summer Variety Special and, in 2013, put on his first solo production with Martin Gold starring (see photo).
Michael continued to produce Summer Variety Special with Martin Daniels in 2014 and Neil Hurst in 2015.
But audiences figures were still falling and after much discussion on the Trust if was felt that the West Cliff should once again take charge of producing the show. So for the 2016 production the West Cliff joined forces with AJL Theatrical.

Over the years there have been so many names linked with the history of the Summer Show, and we salute each and everyone of them for keeping this great British tradition alive – long may it continue.

This is an edited version of a much more detailed article written by the Chairman, Norman Jacobs, in April 2020 during the Corona Pandemic for our Facebook account.



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History of the West Cliff

GrahamThe West Cliff Theatre’s origins can be traced back to 1894 when the 21 year old Bert Graham arrived in Clacton with his London Concert Company consisting of himself, his sister Lilian, Bernard Russell, Ted Honeyman and pianist Jack Devo. Their first performances were given on a patch of open ground in Agate Road.

Shows were put on twice during the day with one evening performance under candle light. As they were completely in the open, shows had to be cancelled in bad weather. Even in good weather planks had to be placed across the then unmade roads to enable people to get to the shows. This did not however deter the crowds and it was not uncommon to have upwards of 1000 people, paying twopence a time to sit or stand on the grass listening to Bert Graham’s London Concert Company.

1899 Open for businessIn 1899, after several changes of location and with two new business partners, the London Concert Company of Bert Graham, Bernard Russell and Will Bentley moved to yet another new site, a recreation ground off Tower Road known as the West Cliff Gardens. They were not to move again and the site they chose is the one that still today houses the West Cliff Theatre.

To begin with their shows were still given in the open air. However they soon enclosed the ground with a wooden fence and built a timber and canvas covering so that shows could continue in wet weather though in hot weather the sides were left open to let the fresh air in. Altogether this make-shift hall seated 1000.

1908At this time the company only performed during the Summer Season with special one off concerts on Sundays. For example in 1906, Mr Kit Keen “of the London Pavilion, bone soloist” appeared as did Mr Harrison Walker a “baritone from the Queen’s Hall in London.”

Tragedy struck the company in 1910, when Bernard Russell died at his parents’ home in Camden Town, London, at the age of 34. He had been married for just two years and left a baby son only a few weeks old.

1912 companyFollowing Bernard Russell’s death, Graham and Bentley continued to put on their shows under the heading of Graham and Bentley’s Concert Party. From 1912 to 1914 they employed a young singer in their company billed as a “romantic baritone”. His name was Stanley Holloway and he was paid three and a half guineas per week in 1912, four guineas in 1913 and four and a half guineas in 1914.

G.H.B. Gould portraitThe next big step forward came in 1928 when Messrs Graham and Bentley opened a brand new 800 seat theatre with outside toilets on the site, designed by Mr G.W. Gould, architect, of Station Road, Clacton and built by local builders, Canler and Sons.

West Cliff buildingThe new theatre, called the West Cliff Gardens Theatre, was officially opened on 25 May 1928 by  local M.P., Sir Frederick Rice. Although there have been a number of significant changes made to the theatre since then, it is basically still the same building that patrons enter today. In recognition of this fact and in honour of its founders, the letters “G” and “B” (for Graham and Bentley) can still be seen picked out above the proscenium arch.

The pattern of Summer Season with guest artistes on Sundays remained the mainstay of the theatre until 1930, when, for the first time, a show was put on out of season as the Clacton Amateur Operatic Society staged The Pirates of Penzance from Tuesday 18 March to Saturday 22 March.

Throughout the 1920s and early 30s, Will Bentley was trying to cope with running two successful businesses. As well as the West Cliff Theatre, he also ran a thriving Oyster Restaurant in Piccadilly in the heart of London. Every day he caught the early morning commuter train up to town, returning on the evening train just in time to change and go on at the West Cliff. By the time 1934 came around he had decided to concentrate on his oyster business.

William HindsTo begin the 1934 season Graham and Bentley put on a show called Will Hammer’s Entertainers. Shortly afterwards, in April 1934, in line with Will Bentley’s wishes, the pair of them put the West Cliff up for sale by auction and the theatre was sold to the same Will Hammer whose show they had begun the season by producing. Will Hammer, a theatrical agent, whose real name was William Hinds, already owned several theatres around the coast, including one at Felixstowe, as well as a large number of jewellery stores, hairdressing salons and bicycle shops.

In the same year that he bought the West Cliff, Will Hammer founded a film company called Hammer Productions Ltd. with himself as Chairman. This was later destined to achieve world wide fame as the Hammer House of Horror.

Will Hammer’s first innovation at the West Cliff was to keep the theatre open all the year round with a mixture of variety, concert parties, pantomime and repertory companies. And although it was still the Summer Season which provided the theatre’s bread and butter he was able to attract a number of the top stars of the thirties to the West Cliff for one-off shows, including Bennett & Williams, Albert Whelan, Harry Tate and Robb Wilton.

In common with all other theatres in the country, the West Cliff closed on the 2 September owing to the imminent threat of the Second World War, though it did re-open later on during the War to stage a number of ENSA shows for the thousands of troops then billeted in Clacton.

Will Hammer re-opened the Summer Season at the West Cliff in 1946 with a show called Victory Vanities while in 1947 Nosmo King starred in For the Fun of It with a young up-and-coming comedian having his first-ever summer season, one Frankie Howerd.

WESTCL~1 (2)Hammer continued to produce his annual summer revue until his death following a cycling accident in 1957. By the time of Hammer’s death, the theatre, now nearly 30 years old, was falling into a state of disrepair and was beginning to look rather the worse for wear. With audiences generally beginning to drop off, due in some measure to the influence of television, it began to look doubtful if a buyer with the necessary capital to invest would be found to buy the theatre.

Councillor Jo St. Clair, a leading light in the Clacton Amateur Dramatic Society led a campaign to get Clacton Urban District Council itself to buy the Theatre. There was a great deal of opposition from other councillors who proposed that the Theatre should be demolished and a block of flats built in its place. Following an exciting debate in full Council, the move to purchase the Theatre was carried by a single vote. The cost  to the Council was £7000 for the Theatre plus £750 for fixtures and fittings.

With the Council now in charge, a decision was made to stop putting on the traditional Summer Variety show as there were already a number of other shows of this type in Clacton. And so, in an attempt to appeal to a different kind of audience, it was decided to put on a repertory season in 1960.

This proved to be so successful that the repertory seasons were continued for several years. In 1966 for example, a Brian Rix presentation took place when One for the Pot alternated with Wanted – One Body for the summer season. These plays starred Jerry Desmonde, George Moon and Bill Treacher (Arthur Fowler in television’s Eastenders).

With other theatres in the town closing during the 1960s, the West Cliff returned to Variety in 1967 with Bunny Baron being asked to produce the summer season. This he did with a show entitled Starnite Spectacular, starring Don MacLean.

With audiences dropping year on year Baron decided to bring in a top name star in an attempt to win back the numbers and so, in 1972, he signed up Tommy Trinder, but even he failed to draw the crowds and the whole future of the West Cliff was once again in the balance, with calls being made in the local press for the theatre to be demolished and the money saved spent on a marina or dry ski slope.

Cascade Review ExteriorHowever, the Council decided to keep faith with the idea of live theatrical entertainment and appointed Francis Golightly to produce the Summer Show. Francis breathed new life in to the Theatre with shows such as Showtime, Holiday Startime and, perhaps best remembered of all, Cascade Revue. Some of the names who appeared in Golightly’s time included not only established stars like Kenny Cantor, Billy Dainty, Rosemary Squires, Don Maclean, Norman Collier and Bernie Clifton, but he was also responsible for discovering some of Britain’s brightest young entertainers and giving them their first taste of success at the West Cliff. Names in this category include Ruthie Henshall, Gary Willmot and Alex Bourne.

Although the Summer Show was flourishing there was once again little other activity at the theatre during the rest of the year and what there was were mainly amateur productions and so, by the early 80s, there were murmurings in the press and elsewhere that the Council were spending too much ratepayers’ money on keeping open a theatre that was essentially only used for twelve weeks of the year and there was a very real possibility that Tendring District Council (TDC), the successor to Clacton Urban District Council, might pull the plug on its funding thereby effectively closing the theatre. In view of this threat, two prominent members of CAOS, Mike Freeman and Peter Anselmi, decided to form a group to rally public opinion and to put pressure on the council to continue to support the West Cliff.

And so the Tendring Theatre Association (TTA) was formed from local theatre users and business people. The TTA then approached Tendring District Council with plans for making use of the theatre all year round and for the Association itself to become more involved with the day-to-day running of the theatre. Following a detailed submission of their plans to the Council, it was agreed by TDC that the Association be asked to form a Trust jointly with the Council (six members from the TTA and three from the Council) to take over the running of the Theatre outside the Summer Season

Trust buy freehold 1With this agreement, the Theatre once again became a full-time all-year round venue with many different types of shows being staged. Indeed, so much activity was now taking place the time had come to employ a professional full-time administrator and Adrian Towler was appointed to the post in 1989.

After nearly ten years of showing that it could run the West Cliff as a successful all year round theatre and arts centre, the Trust contacted the Council with a view to buying the freehold of the theatre outright. This was agreed and in 1995, the West Cliff (Tendring) Trust became the new freeholders although the agreement included the stipulation that Francis Golightly would continue to produce the Summer Season on behalf of Tendring District Council until 2001. From 2002 the Trustees became responsible for all aspects of the Theatre including putting on the Summer Show.

As the West Cliff Theatre now celebrates well over 95 years in its present building and over 125 years in Clacton it is with some pride that the Trust can point to its continuing success. In all, the West Cliff Theatre is in use for over 300 days a year, something that the founders Bert Graham, Bernard Russell and Will Bentley would have considered a flight of fancy. But, no doubt, if the three men were able to come back today, they would be very proud to see what has become of their creation and to see the massive part it now plays in the lives of all who live in Clacton, the wider Tendring area. and increasingly so throughout the whole of Essex.


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Don-Maclean-MBE“1967 was momentous for me. It was my first season as principal comic. Bunny Baron had seen me appearing in a small show at Felixstowe the previous summer and he gave me a chance. He paid me £45 per week It was also the first year Toni and I were married. We’d got wed the previous February, so, all in all, a very happy year.

We thought up a few stunts to interest the local paper and hopefully get publicity for the show. The best seats cost 6/6d (32.5p).

I appeared in many more Summer Season at the West Cliff, including the 125th Anniversary year in 2019. The Cascade Review I did there in 1996 with Dottie Wayne, Andrew Robley and Gordon & Bunny Jay remains the best and happiest summer season I have ever done. The West Cliff has a fine auditorium with excellent sight lines and a splendid, well-equipped stage.

I have a very soft spot for the West Cliff Theatre and indeed for Clacton.

God Bless ”

Don Maclean

When I first came along in 1973 it was my first professional summer season. Prior to that I’d been producing amateur shows in Braintree and I came along and found this rather damp theatre that had an awful smell to it. There was no heating laid on.

I came with a show costing £828 a week for the whole package. What I felt was lacking previously was the glamour, the feathers, the tinsel and that’s what I put into the theatre. We never went in for star names but, in fact, we filled the place. We broke every record in the first year, 1973. The business which had traditionally packed the Pier’s Ocean Theatre, much to everybody’s surprise, came to the West Cliff. Phrases like “The West Cliff reborn” were frequently used.

Against all the odds this was the start of a new lease of life for this lovely theatre. The David and Goliath situation had been reversed and the West Cliff Theatre became the success story that has continued right through to the present day.”

Francis Golightly

ruthieThe West Cliff at Clacton is where it all started for me. It is also a town I like and where I made a lot of friends.

In 1986, straight from three years training at Laine Theatre Arts, I stepped into Summer Season in Tower Road with Kenny Cantor, Joan Hinde, Neil James, Andrew Robley, Roy Cloughton & Co, and had a wonderful time.

The West Cliff is a nice, intimate theatre and nowhere more so than back stage. Performers, musicians and stage staff all worked together and there was a lovely atmosphere. For me it was a great learning place.

The West Cliff became the springboard for my career in Musical Theatre. Not long after I started, I was offered the prize part of Maggie in a new national tour of that great musical, A Chorus Line, which in turn led to Cats, Miss Saigon, Les Miserables and to my first West End opening night as a leading lady in Crazy For You.

Bless you. May the sun always shine on you.”

Ruthie Henshall

roy-hudd-1“Good Old Clacton say I. They’ve managed to hang on to their very special venue where so many holiday towns have nothing. The story of the West Cliff is the story of show business itself and the history of seaside entertainment complete from alfresco concert party to the Sunday night big TV name concerts.

“Why has the West Cliff survived when so many other seaside theatres have bitten the dust? Well, success in show business has always been down to individuals. Those out of the ordinary, slightly mad people who implicitly trust their own judgement and somehow seem to know, even anticipate, just what the public want. The West Cliff has had more than its share of special people from Bert Graham and Will Bentley through Will Hammer to the flamboyant showman Francis Golightly.

It still has an ever growing group of Friends and volunteers. These are the folk who do the maintenance, raise funds, become ushers, talk about and encourage audiences to come to their beloved pavilion. With friends like these and the Trust a successful future seems assured.

The little theatre has always inspired great affection from all who sit in its auditorium and from those who entertain from its stage. I had the great joy of being part of the Water Rats show organised by Don Smoothey and Len Lowe which finally enabled the roof to be made safe in 1990. It was a very proud moment when the Rats agreed, backstage, to hand over their share of the profits to the Roofing Fund.

A happy birthday– we all love you West Cliff .”

Roy Hudd

Jimmy Cricket“My friendship with the West Cliff Theatre goes back just over 40 years. I was a fresh faced 22 year old, straight off the boat from Ireland and I’d landed a job as a Redcoat in the Butlins Holiday Camp in Clacton. In those days each camp housed a custom built theatre with a 3000 seat auditorium. Each Thursday they held the Redcoat gang show where the budding stars of the future  would strut their stuff. But this was no x factor. No, we knew most of the audience by their first names having mixed with them through the week, so they applauded and cheered every corny gag and off key note. At the end of the season you left the camp ten feet tall.

Being a Butlin Redcoat enabled you to get a complimentary ticket to see the other theatre shows in town. So on my first day off I headed for the West Cliff. What an atmosphere. It was 1967 so the show had Don Maclean topping with Harry Dickman as second comic. Don as we all know went on the play a big part in the sucess of the West Cliff. But there was big competition that year. Over at the Pier’s Ocean Theatre, comedian Billy Burdon (a firm favourite with the people of Clacton) was headlining his own summer show. Billy played a country yokel from Dorset and his droll deadpan delivery had the audiences rolling in the aisles). I was searching for a style then and one of the resident revue artistes in Butlins, Manny, said ‘Jimmy get a character. How do you think Billy Burdon gets away with that stuff he’s doing over on the pier.’ I didn’t know then how prophetic Manny’s words would turn out to be!

I went on to earn a crust in the crazy world of show business and in 2006 and again in 2010, I went back to play the summer season at the West Cliff. So the wheel came full circle. During the in between period both the West Cliff and I had our ups and downs. Along the way some really good producers have enriched the West Cliff with some fine shows. I’m thinking now of the eighties and Francis Golightly’s wonderful Cascade shows and the last couple of summers when Chris Gidney and Michael Woolridge have put on some sparkling stuff. However to me the backbone of the West Cliff is the enthusiasm passion and commitment of the Friends of the Theatre.

That and the strong management team that’s behind them I know will ensure the West Cliff will be still going in another 125 years.”

Jimmy Cricket

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